jack turned four on saturday! so we headed up north to the hunsader farms in bradenton for a big pumpkin festival. the great thing about having a little guy is that you can convince them into thinking just about anything. well, we talked about this fall birthday party for so long, that jack thought it was especially for him! and it was...
feeding the animals was a big hit! except for ellie. she would give in at the last second and just throw the corn at the goats.
pony ride!
bo was a llama face and part of the frog jumping competition
watching the pumpkin cannons! jack loved it, ellie... not so much...
i really wanted jack to try these water ball things, but it was 5 buckaroos. scratch that!
after a long (and i mean long) morning at the festival, we sent ellie home with bo and larissa (bless them) and took jack with us to go van hunting. we found one! but didnt buy it. its a good thing chris has a level head because i am the one that pushes and pushes. but we have found a few others that we like as well that might fit our budget a little better. but soon we hope to be the proud owners of a big wagon!
after an even longer afternoon, we went to grandma and grandpas for presents and ice cream cake. this little man made out like a bandit! thank you everyone for all the cards and gifts, jack is feelin' like a king!
on saturday jack is going fishing with his buddy connor for yet another birthday shabang, what a lucky guy!
we love you jack buddy!
Happy birthday jackie boy!!! You guys must have been exhausted after all of the the events this last weekend!!! Looks like so much fun :D
lets just order pizza for ev and ellie's b-day. just kidding!!! We loved living it up with you guys this weekend!
no rest for the weary- wow! I love how you did the pictures- you must tell me what you did. I probably don't have this program or set up right?
Tell Jack my Dad's name is the same!
Wow, you sure know how to put on a party. And I thought you could never out do your pirate party last year...
Hope he likes his book. Jenna loves the picture of him holding it. We sure miss you guys!
Ah the real feeling of fall! Somehow there just doesn't seem to be that ambiance down south here.
Happy Birthday Jack!!! I can't believe he's four. I remember sitting in church watching your stomach twitch because he was kicking in your belly...
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