last Monday was my 35th birthday and I told chris that all I wanted for my birthday was family pics. full disclosure: I hate family pictures.
like many others, I feel so very self conscious when it comes to pictures (which is probably why its been about 5 year since we've had any taken). that and the fact that they cost so much.
but I woke up one morning and thought that it just isn't fair to my family to keep putting them off until I feel comfortable with myself because I think as humans we will always find the bad in ourselves no matter what. so I booked a session with Makayla Powell at the sunflower farm right away before I could change my mind.
and im so glad I did!
these people are what i'm most proud of in my life.
each one represents a portion of who I am...
a portion of my heart.
im so grateful to have this phase of our life documented forever. I hope when I look at these I will always remember where we are right now... the rambunctious 5 year old Owen, with his fading black eye from when Charlie got him with a horse shoe. I want to remember Charlie, as my 9 year old who is struggling to figure out who he is and who he wants to be. I want to remember Ellie as a 12 year old who's been fighting through weeks of cross country training and has been rewarded with the realization that she actually enjoys the fight. I want to remember jack, who's kinda grown into a real life teenager this summer working at this farm, enjoying privacy and alone time at home and getting his braces off. I want to remember the time that chris takes to help fix flat bike tires for the little boys, the long chats about respecting our bodies (and other's bodies) with our young teens, and all the great meals he excitedly makes.
these are the days I want to remember.
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