Wednesday, September 26

Aunt Rik

about half way through Chris' time in AR (ie when I started hiding under my covers in the fetal position without my sanity-saving partner by my side) aunt rick came to visit and pulled me back into the realm of sanity!

most of our time was spent hanging out at home, playing either Pokemon battles with Owen or codenames with the older kids. but we did venture out a few times.

we went to Lake Hudson before it closed for the season and the kids had a blast!

after a morning of helping my brother and sister in law move to their new house, we went to COSI to catch their dinosaur and Egyptian exhibits before they closed.

on Labor Day we went on a beautiful (and warm) hike at the nature preserve right down our road.

we are so glad that rik came to hang out, stay up late chatting, be silly, make a few treats, and explore our new town. she was a lifesaver for both me and the kids and we have been reminiscing about her trip ever since. we miss her so much already, but are thankful she made the trip!

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