Monday, July 23

grandma and grandpa

some kids get the best grandparents. 
and our kids are lucky enough to have 4 incredible grandparents!
they are so lucky to have a close relationship with all four. I know that they recognize how special their grandparents are. they love them all so, so much! but I also know that the older they get, the more they will realize how amazing Dave, Linda, Bart and Janie are as people and not just as their grandparents.

so glad they will have these pictures to treasure for ever!

I think I only have one or two pictures of me with my grandparent. I had 4 grandparents of course, but I can only find one picture of me with one of my grandmas. obviously technology has made picture taking so much easier, so I always think that I want to take some pictures of my kids with grandparents whenever they are visiting us or we are visiting them, but never seem to remember when the time comes.
my parents were good sports about it even though they don't necessarily enjoy having pictures.

even the silly mess up pictures will be treasured!

1 comment:

Steve and Donna said...

I must agree- these grandparents are special :)