Friday, March 11

a hayday with the devil

it poured yesterday and we were trapped indoors. but that didnt stop us from having a good time! we made forts, did a bobcat craft (dont ask), played tons of memory games, made silly faces, and made peanut-butter-truffle-brownies. whew. we were busy!

(this picture came from the blog that i picked this recipe up from)
as i said, these brownies are called "peanut-butter-truffle-brownies". they are the richest, sweetest brownies i have ever had. i think i've finally met my match!
if i could, i would change their name to something more appropriate like "the seven deadly sins" brownies or "a hayday with the devil" brownies - thats how intense they are!

ev came over and played on wednesday night. it was my kids night for a bath, so we made it a party and had a bubble bath. i know between larissa and i there is a picture of them in the tub from way back when... it sure would be fun to compare.
this is their "funny hair and mustacheses" as ellie calls it.

this will be embarrassing when he's older :)


Steve and Donna said...

yes- that brownie does look intense and I like those moves from 'Jack'

Rikki Faustini said...

The truth is out! I'm coming home for the constant stream of treats coming from your kitchen!!!! If Jack had half as much fun making that video as I did watching it, it'll be worth the future embarrassment :)

Larissa said...

jack is such a groover! and yes, i do have bath-tub pictures, however we never have bubbles, so they are all "exposed"

Rikki Faustini said...

PS... I LOVE the silly face pics!!! Silly kids :)